Warning, picture overload, but that's what happens when you're around my Aunt Mary :) Love it. So, we spent 4th of July weekend at my Aunt Mary and Uncle Al's cabin near Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. We had intentions of relaxing, spending time on the lake, relaxing, and trying to not think about work. We achieved all of the above :) We were absolutely spoiled by Mary and Al (well, especially Connor, but us, too!) and can't wait to return the favor some day. Meals were AMAZING, especially the cherry chicken pasta salad, my personal fave. So instead of trying to recap the weekend up here, I'll just recap as you go through the pictures. Thank you SO much, Mary and Al, for letting us spend the weekend with you guys!

Connor caught a fish within the hour of arriving!

Bob is playing on my laptop, of course can't leave home without blankie, nuks and Bob.

Fruit smoothies for breakfast, followed by turtle shaped blueberry pancakes that I don't have a picture of unfortunately.

Jumping off the dock

He's VERY into jumping lately. As in, almost prefers to jump instead of walk.

LOVE these photos (above and below)

Throwing rocks, shocking.

Love this one, too. He's very into imitating lately as well.

Bryan trying to teach him to 'blow it up' after nuks.

Boat tour with Uncle Al

Also can't leave home without our cars and construction vehicles. We lined them up many, many times throughout the weekend.

The boat parade :)

Throwing water balloons up by the house.

Fireworks were great! We watched them from the boat, there were about 3-4 houses that had some awesome ones going on.

Relaxing in the chair on Monday.
What we DON'T have pictures of unfortunately, was the water balloon fight on the lake after the boat parade on Sunday. Al and Mary said it might happen, but we had no idea how intense it could get. Bryan turned on his competitive switch and was going crazy in the front of the boat trying to catch water balloons from other boats and whipping them right back. Al was driving crazily in circles while Mary and I had the fishing net trying to scoop up balloons that hadn't broken and were floating in the water. We eventually went back to the house and filled up our own 75 balloons and went back into the storm (water balloon fight, that is). It was pretty entertaining, Bryan against all of these boats filled with kids. He's already planning some sort of generator, pump, water hose contraption for next year....ha.
Thank you again, Al and Mary! It was such a great weekend!