
first cereal

Well, since Connor has been sleeping so crappy the past 7 nights...we tried rice the other night. Not that it helped, and not that he liked it, but, it's probably a step in the right direction. He really had NO idea what I was doing to him and kind of looked at me like, are you kidding me? Why is my milk chunky (okay, so it was super runny, don't think I tried thick cereal right out of the gate), why does it taste funny, and why are you bringing it to me on some strange instrument...needless to say, we wasted a few ounces of milk trying it. Guess we'll just keep on trying.

Sorry for the TERRIBLE pictures, remember lighting in the ghetto is pretty bad, it was night and there are no lights in our living room.

He sees the spoon...

Oh God it's hitting me in the face...

Hmm...kind of tastes like milk?

That was NOT milk.

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