Putting up Christmas Lights...Bryan Style
Bryan hates putting up Christmas lights. He basically refuses to. Last year I finally begged him enough to at least just let me put our kitchen step stool on the back of his pickup and he just would back the truck up to wherever I needed to go next. Figured it couldn't be that hard to just sit and drive his truck. This year he again threatened to have nothing to do with it. Then he decided to borrow his friend's bucket truck and show me how to use it. Of course he had to be the 'cool dad' and give Connor a ride, first.

Nicollet Raiders
Bryan, Connor, Cheryl, Craig and I travelled to the dome this past Friday morning to watch the Nicollet Raiders (Bryan and I's home town) play for the Prep Bowl championship. I was able to get the suite from Taylor Corp so Connor could freely run around and not be confined to a seat f0r 2 hours (he doesn't do well with that). The boys lost, but it was still fun. Someday Nicollet will win the championship :)

bryan's new razr
No, I'm not blogging about a new razor bryan uses for shaving...I wouldn't stoop so low for blog topics...but this is a different 'razr'. Bryan recently purchased a Polaris Ranger Razr. It's a '4-wheeler', but to me looks more like a dune buggy. Either way, he loves it, Connor is obsessed with it, and I will agree it's quite fun. I wasn't a HUGE proponent of this purchase, but, I will credit Bryan that he doesn't have any other 'things'. No snowmobiles, no boats, no guns, no motorcycles, he technically doesn't even have his own car (truck is the company's). And, it's an activity that he can do together with Connor, which is great.

happy thanksgiving
happy thanksgiving from the Bode home! We spent the day at my mom's along with the rest of her extended family. Busy and full house, but always love getting together with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles and Grandma! My relatives are always good for a few laughs, good times.
Haven't been keeping up with the blog very well, been really busy at work (Bryan is getting a little irritated with the late nights on the computer), sick the first few days if this week, and don't have too many pictures to share. And blog posts without pictures just aren't as exciting (warning, this post contains no pictures...)
Heading to the dome to watch our hometown football team play for the state championship. We went last Saturday and let me tell you, I'm going to be a WRECK when Connor is playing sports. I'm about to get really sappy here...but man, you can just FEEL the pride these parents have for their kids out on the feel. I loved it. Near the end of the game (and it was an amazing, nail biter of a game) I had to try and avoid looking at one mom because she was crying, and that made me cry, then, the star quarterback as soon as the game was over ran immediately over to the crowds and jumped the railing into his parents...and hugged his mom. How do I teach Connor to think it's cool to think of hugging his mom right after a big win? It was cool, and it also made me tear up.
So, I'm bracing myself tomorrow, but should be a fun time!
Again, happy turkey day to all!
Haven't been keeping up with the blog very well, been really busy at work (Bryan is getting a little irritated with the late nights on the computer), sick the first few days if this week, and don't have too many pictures to share. And blog posts without pictures just aren't as exciting (warning, this post contains no pictures...)
Heading to the dome to watch our hometown football team play for the state championship. We went last Saturday and let me tell you, I'm going to be a WRECK when Connor is playing sports. I'm about to get really sappy here...but man, you can just FEEL the pride these parents have for their kids out on the feel. I loved it. Near the end of the game (and it was an amazing, nail biter of a game) I had to try and avoid looking at one mom because she was crying, and that made me cry, then, the star quarterback as soon as the game was over ran immediately over to the crowds and jumped the railing into his parents...and hugged his mom. How do I teach Connor to think it's cool to think of hugging his mom right after a big win? It was cool, and it also made me tear up.
So, I'm bracing myself tomorrow, but should be a fun time!
Again, happy turkey day to all!
Well, I surely thought I had avoided getting sick, even after travelling to Canada with my boss who was sick, Connor being sick on and off again, my mom being sick, but last night it caught up with me. Took some nyquill before bed after feeling a sore throat coming on, slept terribly still and have spent most of today cuddled up on the couch, freezing, drinking water and popping pills to make the headache go away. Argh. Hopefully it doesn't last much longer.
Bryan took Connor for ride on our 4-wheeler to Nicollet so that's been nice, too, to have an empty house.
Bryan took Connor for ride on our 4-wheeler to Nicollet so that's been nice, too, to have an empty house.
one more from photo session
fun at G&G Loula's
see-saw fun
home sweet home
I love coming home from business trips (not that I even do it that often), but, I missed my boys and it's just good to be home.
Bring on the weekend!
Bring on the weekend!
fun in the ravine
Pics from our trek down to our ravine. I always forget how far down it is til we get to the bottom and look up :)
bird whisperer
Connor and I hiked down to the bottom of our ravine the other day to play in the little creek...this is the first time I think he's noticed birds (I really have no idea) and it appeared he was trying to talk back...
Halloween 2009
Krystal, Ashlyn and my parents joined us for Halloween this year. We had a blast! The kids ran to the door everytime the door bell rang and were in awe at all of the kids in their costumes. Too fun! Can't wait til next year to actually take them out trick-or-treating!
Yes, Connor's costume had trouble staying snapped shut.
Oh Canada!
Heading to Canada tomorrow evening for work. Pretty excited about it, haven't been to Canada since a child and never been to the Toronto area. The whole purpose of the trip is to scope out the Canadian market...so we'll be out and about in Toronto for part of the trip.
Back Thursday night, have a great week!
Back Thursday night, have a great week!
sneak peek!
My photographer from today (Gina Zeidler of Zeidler Photography) just sent me a few sneak peeks! SO, so excited to see the rest of the photos! I'm saving my family photo for the Christmas cards more than likely, but who knows. Maybe I'll do a collage, so just act surprised when you get your Christmas cards this year.

We have family pictures this Sunday with this amazing photographer. I am SO excited for the output...but just so nervous! What if Connor is crabby, what if he doesn't cooperate, what if he doesn't nap well that day. Argh. But, I'm still really excited...because she rocks :)
Sorry for the lack of blogs lately. I have a few good pictures from Halloween night, it was super fun. Krystal, Ashlyn and my parents came over for the evening. Eventually I'll get around to posting them :)
Sorry for the lack of blogs lately. I have a few good pictures from Halloween night, it was super fun. Krystal, Ashlyn and my parents came over for the evening. Eventually I'll get around to posting them :)
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