

I've tried to start giving Connor his own utensils when eating the past few weeks, he does really well...just doesn't quite get the concept of 'stabbing' something with the fork or 'scooping' with the spoon. Either wants me to do it or picks the food up with his hands and places on the spoon...as you can witness below. (sorry the video got really long, well, it's not that long, but it's pointless after the first few seconds)

A few things I noticed were humorous...it appears he started on cue in the beginning. He pauses for a split second then I must have been making some great hand motions in the background trying to get him to take a bite.

Takes a bite, then threatens to throw the fork over. When he smiles...that's in response to me shaking my head and mouthing as big as I can "NO CONNOR"...and then you see him scrunch his face and then he drops the fork.

Then the rest of the clip is pointless. Sorry about that.

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