

I've decided being sick and hugely pregnant at the same time sucks. Finding a comfortable position while sleeping for longer than 30 minutes is one thing...add not being able to go another 30 minutes without coughing or blowing your nose and it's becoming unbearable. Really attractive visual, I know. But, everyone seems to have gone or is going through it, so I guess it's just my turn. Thanks, Ang.

Tomorrow night mom and I have our car seats inspected to make sure we installed them correctly, then breastfeeding class (what a SUPER convenient time for Bryan to have a conference in Vegas :)), doctor appointment Friday afternoon, then baby shower on Saturday. Hopefully I have some pictures to share within the next few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about passing along the sickness!! But as Dr. Tim would say...you're building anti-bodies! So really you should be thanking me:)