
a view from the desk of...

me. This was my view today. March 31st. The day we were going to dig the basement. The day last year it was probably 82. Global warming? Right.

I like this picture as my desk looks clean and somewhat neat. I'll probably never share with you a photo of the desk to the left of my monitors...


The Nesslers said...

wow, i'm surprised these blinds are even open....when you're on leave those suckers are staying open all day. Just be thankful the control cord isn't on my side of the window.

christy bode said...

Okay, from 8-10 in the morning, I would basically have to wear my sunglasses or get a disorder from squinting so much if we keep them open all day...

SHarstad said...

So you are actually up against the window now! I never thought it would happen.