
daddy's boy

Connor has definitely become a daddy's boy lately. I try and try to remind him how I supplied nearly a year's worth of milk for him, change more diapers, but, nothing seems to make him realize I'm even in the room. It's just a phase...right? Kidding, it's super cute. He wants to be by Bryan everywhere he is. He points to Bryan's garage stall in the mornings (I'm sure if he could talk he'd be saying 'where is daddy' or 'where's daddy's truck'), obviously has the lawn mower obsession, he just gets to do everything 'cool' with dad. So, Sunday afternoon was no different when Bryan was trying to get the speakers working outside and Connor plopped right down next to him to help him out.

Try this switch dad, I'm sure it's this one, did you even try this one?


Randi said...


Anonymous said...

How cute is that! Like father, like son- Bryan was his dad's shadow when he was little-no kitchen help here either Christy. Trust me, it is the small hugs and kisses that more than "pay" for all the milk and diaper changes!:)

L,G/ Bode