So, I haven't done one of these in awhile, figured I should document something :)
Here's what Connor is up to these days:
-Still going to daycare everyday, highlights being that they go outside as much as possible, which means shoes full of sand and baths everything
-Speaking of baths, hates them. Which is super annoying. (I think this is due to the fact that we're not making it up to the tub til about 7:30 and he's already tired, and that we probably had to peel him off of his lawn mower to get him into the tub)
-Eats most everything. Loves peanut butter toast and fruit snacks the most.
-Repeating everything you say
-Saying two to three word sentences such as "I do it" (ha, does that count?), "Is daddy home?" (asks everyday on the way home from school), "Where's Connor's X"? (yes, he speaks in third person), and more. He's definitely still doing mostly one to two words at a time tho. We're loving it tho and still make him say words that we think are cute. Ha.
-LOVES being outside
-Freaks out with joy when he sees Bryan pull up into the driveway, and OMG if Bryan has a trailer on the out. Freak out x 10 (like uncontrollable laughter, jumping around, etc., someday I'll get it on video)
-Sleeping like a champ, some mornings he doesn't even want to get up (not surprised, I think he gets that from me), I'll ask if I should go shower and he nods his head yes and lays back down. Unless we're running late and I persuade him with peanut butter toast...
-STILL has the darn nuk. Well, I shouldn't be surprised since we're doing nothing to start taking it away. Bedtime and naptime. Daycare doesn't love this.
-Obsessed with untying every shoe in the house.
-Loves his new barn with animals in it.
-Of course loves his lawn mower and we drive it everyday after school
-Points out every semi, train and body of water while we're in the car. And of course any heavy equipment. If I don't acknowledge him immediately, he yells "MAMA, SEMI!"
-Obsessed with his new bike shirts, asks for them every morning and then it's a struggle since I either don't have them washed or he wore them the previous day.
-Loves his nightly ice cream snack, or popcorn. (promise you we feed him fruits, too. Can't promise the veggie thing...someday I'll get better at that)
I'm sure I'm forgetting things but that's about what I can think of right now. He is such a joy and we still fight over who gets to get him out of his crib when he gets up from a nap if we're both around. (yes, I'm sure all of you parents with more than one child are laughing at us)
We love you, Connor :)
Twins Game
This past Thursday, my boss surprised a few of us with Twins tickets....pretty awesome :) It was game 3 in the new stadium, against the Boston Red Sox. It was beautiful day and the Twins won! Can't beat that for a day at the office ;)
Walking up to the stadium
Target Field :)
The Golden Glove Photo Op
Thao, Me, Michelle and Tyler
This 'wall' is the coolest thing ever. It's made up of a bunch of little metal discs that are on cables. They move in the wind and reflect the light in different angles, if that makes sense. It looks like a wall of moving probably need to see it in person to appreciate its coolness. It's there to cover up a parking ramp. Clever people.

Trees in center field could be a little cooler, taller, or something. It was my only complaint :)
Well, and that when we got a home run the sign didn't light up and shake hands. Must be only for night games, or that you just can't see it during the day.
The Budweiser sign is nearly as big as the 'Twins' sign. No surprise.
Us again.
The wall from our seats.
I think I was the only one obsessed with the wall.
Pretty cool!!
Saturday Morning
Bryan had to work all day today, so of course Connor and I had to go visit. We tailgated for awhile just watching the backhoe, dozers and trucks coming in and out of the job site and eventually Bryan took Connor in the backhoe with him for probably 20-30 minutes. You can imagine how fun it was when we finally had to go home...the only thing that really got him to stop crying was that we are going to Uncle Joe's farm to see the tractors and Ashlyn after he wakes up from his nap.
Terrible photo, it's from my phone, and you can't even see that Connor is in there, but he is, promise :)

the big reveal
I was actually quite disappointed in this video, I was so excited for him to freak out a little bit when seeing his 'lawn mower' for the first time, but he was actually more frustrated with the sheet and having to take it off, ha. Oh well, still fun :)
the birthday party
(warning, there are a LOT of pictures in this post)
Connor's birthday party was a huge success. He took an awesome 2.5+ hour nap right before so it gave us plenty of time to decorate and get things ready. He loved all of his gifts and is one LUCKY boy to have such loving family! Thank you to everyone who helped him celebrate turning "do"!
We opened gifts shortly after everyone arrived and with the help of cousin Ashlyn, he uncovered some awesome new toys. A table and deck chairs, a new barn full of animals, a backhoe, lots and lots of adorable clothes, some new books and more. Have I mentioned he's a little spoiled? Oh and his 'lawn mower'. Bryan and I were nearly to the point of regretting the purchase since it was IMPOSSIBLE to get him off of it as soon as he received it, even to the point of having to do birthday cake in the back of it. I was VERY nervous for Monday morning, getting him from the house to my car to get to school since Sunday went horribly trying to get to church. Pretty sure he whined 'lawn mower' throughout the entire service. That said, we are so proud of how quickly he is catching on to driving it! I'm sure it's a normal 2 year old accomplishment, but we're just amazed that he can back up, maneuver in and out of the garage, etc. It took a little, but he caught on!
So, lots of pictures of him on the gator along with cousin Ashlyn. He had to remind Ashlyn a few times to hang on, she got a little excited :) Safety first :) Ha.
I love this last photo...except he looks SO grown up :(
Thank you again to everyone that made his day special!
Easter 2010
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