
30 before 30

Well, I turned the big 2-9 today. I officially have 366  days (thank you, leap year, for one extra day!) of my 20's left. It's really not a big deal, however, it has prompted me to try and achieve a few goals before saying goodbye to my youth (kidding). This is nothing new, but I thought it would be fun to give it a try. Accomplish 30 goals before I'm 30.

me. 29.

So, without further ado, here's my list, and in no particular order.

  1. Complete six random acts of kindness.
  2. Get comfortable with walking into a situation and choosing the right ISO, shutter speed an aperture settings on my camera.
  3. Create a mother/son tradition with Connor.
  4. Create a mother/son tradition with Grayson.
  5. Create a tradition with my nieces.
  6. Display a photo from our wedding.
  7. Have at least one item (photo, art, anything) on a wall in every room (including hallways) in our house.
  8. Finish decorating Connor's room.
  9. Be caught up on all scrapbooks.
  10. Receive income for my photography.
  11. Host my neighbors for a party.
  12. Learn the basics of sewing.
  13. Lose 30 pounds.
  14. If goal #13 is met, lose another 10.
  15. Decorate the boys' bathroom so they'll enjoy using it. (ie get their crap out of my bathroom :))
  16. Pack my lunch 4 days a week on average.
  17. Paint my bathroom.
  18. Plan a date night once a month.
  19. Run my second half marathon.
  20. Sew curtains for Connor's room.
  21. Spend more time on investments and financials.
  22. Plan meals.
  23. Take a fitness class.
  24. Take photoshop classes.
  25. Use coupons at the grocery store.
  26. Write at least one handwritten note per month.
  27. Go on a weekend trip with my movie night girls (ha, hope they're all up on board for this :))
  28. Do girls weekend with my Mom and Sister in Law, make it a tradition.
  29. Update my resume (not thinking of changing careers anytime soon, but it hasn't been touched since 2005)
  30. Read six professional/career related books.
Now, not all of these are S.M.A.R.T. goals, but, I'm okay with that. I'll know if I achieved them or not. Some of these are also VERY random and are pretty questionable to be on a list like this, but to be honest, I was struggling coming up with 30! I'll prob check in half way through the year or maybe quarterly to see how I'm doing!


Shelly said...

Happy Birthday and good luck!!! You can do it!

Sarah said...

Oh man, I love this for so many reasons! AND I Totally want to join you for almost all of them. What a GREAT list!

Mwaaah! Happy Birthday! :)

Marta said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, Christy! Love you lots - and love your 30 goals! I can help you sew curtains - but first I have to find my sewing machine :-) Love, Rita

Erin Wiegratz said...

I like it!

Anne said...

I'm a fan! Such a pretty pic of you, too :)

Aleta said...

I love this photo of you. So pretty! Also, I am flattered to have made the list. Definitely a yes for a weekend together! Your list is much more doable than mine was! I'm still going to try to cross a few off mine, but I hope you're much more successful than I was. Happy year 29!