
daycare parade

Every year, our daycare does a little 4th of July parade. They load up all the kids in the center (except for the tiny babies) and walk around the 4 or 5 buildings that are located right around the daycare. Decorate their strollers, give the older kids hats and things to hold, carry a boombox with music... It's pretty cute so I was really excited to see Connor!

Here comes the parade!

my first view of Connor. whiny. rubbing his eyes.

so sad.

Ha. Poor guy. Yes, I totally forgot to go buy a cute 4th of July shirt, so we resorted to his baseball pj top and jeans. I know. I know.

geez. could this parade get any worse?
Who are you and why is it that every time I see you, you are pointing a big black thing at me?

Kate finding her mom.

making another pass on the other side of the street...still not SUPER excited to be in a parade

Kate's crew again
Maybe next year will be our year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dit ... how did you ever stretch those rocks to get them over your heads? I love the header photo!!