
thanks :)

Thanks to those of you that put me in my place for freaking out about not getting enough done, trying to find time to work, etc. I'll get it thru my head soon hopefully :) I'm sure there are mom's out there that are SUPER mom's and are up with hair and makeup by 8 am (including having their teeth brushed...never thought that would be something that I find myself in the afternoon wondering if I have done it yet today...gross, I know), never a pair of dirty jeans in sight, dishes always clean, etc...hell, what am I thinking, I wasn't SUPER to begin with!! Ha. WHAT was I thinking.

Wanted to share the poem that Missy shared in her comment, I thought it was great...thanks Missy!

Cleaning and cooking can wait 'till tomorrow. For babies grow up, as we've learned to our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take time to enjoy Connor being a baby. They grow up so fast. The housework, work and all else will wait for you. It seems hard but things will get easier. Can't wait to see you guys.