7 days
My leave has gone really, really fast, and it's unfortunate that probably just in the past few weeks has the weather cooperated. The first two months it seems it either was raining or gale force winds.
And so, my goals and plan for the week:
-clean the house (and by that...I mean giving a little attention to the toilets, etc.)
-organize the house (kitchen table just collects daily mail, things to do, things to look at later, things to file, etc.) This problem is an inherited disease from my father, just ask my mother.
-have laundry 100% caught up by next Sunday
-I am not planning on working much, if any this week. Not even going to check email...okay, no more than once a day.
-spending time at the lake, since Bryan said he'll be working til 8 or 9 every night this week I might just stay out there
-we have a party at the lake on Friday AND Saturday, hopefully the weather cooperates
-My niece probably is going to make an entrance into this world...she is 1.5 cm dilated, 90% effaced and at position +1. Her doctor basically said it'll be this week, well, not directly, but warned her it's coming very soon
-and my biggest goal (and most fun) is to continue Connor's scrapbook. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I got a good start, but in his book he's not even home from Children's Hospital yet. So...I have a lot to catch up on yet.
-Sell some things on ebay...I'm starting to get an itch for wanting to buy things for the new house (some things that we NEED...shower curtains, etc....and some that I WANT...new bed, dining room table, etc.) and feel that I should counteract those urges. One of my listings is already at $23. Ha. Long ways to go.
-Geez, almost forgot. I need to pick out all floor coverings and get them ordered (whether from the place in Mankato, online, even considering 'calling Empire today' as I hear that all day long on TV), pick out our kitchen sink and fixture, finalize all interior baseboard and casing, select all interior paint colors and get paint purchased, select and order countertop for kitchen and yeah. This bullet point might prevent a few of the top from getting accomplished. :(
I think that might be about it. My sleepless nights and early mornings with Connor are starting to take a toll on me. I just feel exhausted today, that won't be good for going back to work if he's up twice during the night...and I won't get any naps during the day, Bryan gets home late from work...blah blah. I know, cry me a river, but, he spoiled me there for a few weeks sleeping thru the night. Maybe daycare will wipe him out.
Alright, enough for now.
back to sleep
First of Many
more fun at the lake
This weekend is the big 'Friendship Days' celebration in Nicollet. Not sure Connor meets the height requirements for any of the rides...but I'm probably going to have to get a few pictures :)
Mom and Dad get home from South Africa tomorrow as well. I had to continually turn her down to Fed Ex Connor over there...so its about time they get home. Which reminds me, I have a few pictures that she's sent to share. I'll do that sometime or another.
A few from the boat ride the other night...
Or not. Geez, those chins seem to get in the way of breathing almost.
It's possible Connor's thighs are larger than Madelyn's.
Last time for this shirt...already was a little too tight around the neck and chins. Sad. So cute.
the sprayer

In the cab with Uncle Joe and our friend Marc's son Josh
Honestly think these are the coolest tractors
Hopefully the only off roading my car will ever see...
'Mom, where are we and why are we here?'
Marc's daughter, Taylor
Alright, anyways. Sarah took some pictures of Connor this morning before we left from the retreat, and they're on her blog. He was pretty happy this morning :) (maybe because he knew we were going home?)
I think we all agreed that we'll be doing this again! Maybe in winter...it was pretty hard to stay inside over the weekend when it was so gorgeous outside!
Hope you all had good weekends!
our shades finally fit!
Play Mat Fun
house update
Sorry for the abundance of pictures...doing a little walk thru for you.
Still missing the patio door in the dining room, window for the man cave and the other two windows in the living room.
Dining room, trapezoid windows placed
Kitchen, little walk in pantry in the back right corner
Standing in kitchen, looking into living room and to the left is the office
Mud room. There will be built in locker type things on the left and then at the back there is another half bath.
Master, standing in the doorway almost
Alright, that's it :)
round is a shape
Did a little photo shoot when we got home today. I've decided I'm going to have to increase my photography skills...he's definitely moving more than the last time I attempted a photo shoot, and if I use the 'motion' setting on my camera, it needs a flash, and I just didn't like how those were turning out. If I used the 'snow' setting...I liked them better, but then caught every small movement and it was a blur. So these are about the only ones that turned out. I'm going to have to play around a bit with my camera, I'm sure I can do better.

Trying to tell me his head is too heavy to constantly lift up.

The house is still coming along. I have pictures, but they're outdated basically. They have most of the house rocked on the inside I believe, and I think the tapers are coming this week? Not fully sure I guess. But I just know that I need to get going on picking paint colors and getting all ready for that task... Carpet needs to get picked out, too. And, Sears needs to run their 20% off appliances again. Hmm.
A bunch of ladies are going scrapbooking this weekend! I am so excited! My good friend Sarah is coming along as well :) I'm also bringing Connor, which will probably hinder my productivity, but the thought of leaving him for three days makes me more sad than the thought of not getting enough scrapbooking done. Especially since my time at home with him is dwindling...I hate leaving him more and more these days. Even for a few hours I miss him.
So, that's about it. I said I'd get better about posting, and I have to be much better the next few weeks since my mom is in South Africa and said she needs daily posts. Not sure if we'll get around to daily, but we'll try and be better :)
Hope you all had good weekends!
Where are the chicks?
Fathers Day at the Lake
Baby Loula liked her first boat ride we think..and she's ready to meet us all! (she just should wait til Grandma and Grandpa Loula get back from South Africa...two weeks BL...two weeks :))
bad blogger
-worked a bit
-got Connor's announcements in the mail (finally)
-Connor slept from 11 to 8 one night
-started going on at least one walk a day, once I even went out three times
-Connor is starting to 'like' his car seat and stroller rides ('starting to' doesn't mean ALWAYS)
-celebrated Mother's Day and went to Chanhassen Dinner Theater with some friends
-The house is still coming along, the upstairs is probably completely sheet rocked and it's almost completely sided
-playing in an all day volleyball tournament today on 3 hours of sleep
-Connor got his 2 month shots yesterday and Grandma Loula offered to take him for the night, and when I talked to her last night...he had basically been screaming in pain almost the entire day/night
-I haven't seen Connor since 3 ish yesterday afternoon and I miss him terribly
That might be about it. My maternity leave is quickly approaching its end...it has gone by too fast. A few weeks ago I would have told someone, oh, I could go back if I had to right now...and now I'm getting a little anxiety about leaving him every day...but, it'll be fine :(
Happy Fathers Day!!!
PS. Like I said, I promise to be better, and include pictures
Krystal's Shower
Had to post this picture...she is two days OLDER than Connor. And she wasn't early.
Proof that Connor is a chunk?