

We lost in the volleyball tournament on Saturday. Ryan, one of our main guys, has a pulled groin and basically just kept reinjuring it throughout the day until he could barely walk without grimacing in pain. We'd like to believe we could have won the tourney had he been 100%. But thanks to Mitch and Kacie for playing with us!

The house is still coming along. I have pictures, but they're outdated basically. They have most of the house rocked on the inside I believe, and I think the tapers are coming this week? Not fully sure I guess. But I just know that I need to get going on picking paint colors and getting all ready for that task... Carpet needs to get picked out, too. And, Sears needs to run their 20% off appliances again. Hmm.

A bunch of ladies are going scrapbooking this weekend! I am so excited! My good friend Sarah is coming along as well :) I'm also bringing Connor, which will probably hinder my productivity, but the thought of leaving him for three days makes me more sad than the thought of not getting enough scrapbooking done. Especially since my time at home with him is dwindling...I hate leaving him more and more these days. Even for a few hours I miss him.

So, that's about it. I said I'd get better about posting, and I have to be much better the next few weeks since my mom is in South Africa and said she needs daily posts. Not sure if we'll get around to daily, but we'll try and be better :)

Hope you all had good weekends!

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