Also, with this passion for pasta brings a true mess. I remember looking at friends' pictures of their kids eating and making a terrible mess, I DON'T look forward to that. But it's not so bad :) Kind of cute actually.
a love for pasta
Also, with this passion for pasta brings a true mess. I remember looking at friends' pictures of their kids eating and making a terrible mess, I DON'T look forward to that. But it's not so bad :) Kind of cute actually.
visit from the VB's

new kicks
I tried them again the other morning and he freaked out. Wouldn't even stand up on them. Didn't really cry, just like refused to stand up and continued to reach for them. Completely unsure what I did to his feet.
My mom and I tried them again the other day and he did MUCH better. Bryan got mad at me because I was laughing so hard at him, but it was SO funny. It was like we had put 5 lb weights on his feet. When he walked across the living room he lifted his feet up SUPER high. Anne was there too and named them his moon shoes. Might have to get the little guy some bootcut jeans. Ha.
So, all that hype, and no pictures except one of the shoes themselves. I'll try to capture the fun on video soon.
Aren't they cool? So cute.
state volleyball
However...the results. After a weekend of a ton of playing, we ended up playing in the championship game on Sunday, but lost. So we are officially the second best co-ed team (just like kissing your sister, as my boss would say) in the state for class B. Or at least it's fun to say. Now we get about a month off before summer sand ball starts in New Ulm.
Sorry for the bad photo, my camera died moments after taking this (old camera, not new).
bath fun
proof...he walks!
So he was a little crabby this day after daycare...didn't take long enough naps. I'll try to get a happy walking video soon.
Yes, this video is nearly the same as the first one, but shows a little of his love for his blankie.
He loves, loves, loves his blankie.
caught up
I've read some very, very sad blogs lately (one family who's first son was born stillborn and second son was just born with a severe skin disease and it's unsure how long he'll make it, another that I just found today about a dad blogger who has a one year old little girl...the mom died one day after giving birth...I know. I know. (no thanks to Heather and Jen for pointing these blogs out..ok no, I'm not mad, I get sucked into them and check them regularly now). They are just so sad. So, I find myself going into Connor's room when he cries to cuddle him. It's generally only once or twice a week that he cries, and typically just once each of those nights, but, I go in there and just cuddle and hold him. Bad thoughts run through my mind about how unfair life can be...and I don't want to take any moment for granted.
But enough on that. Hope you're having a good week, tomorrow is FRIDAY! Whoo hoo! No big plans that I know of right now. Which is good, too. Hopefully get lots of cleaning done, put clothes away (I'm actually very caught up on laundry but have issues putting it the laundry room is FULL of clean clothes, folded even) and yeah. Hang out.
playing with cousin Ashlyn
fun with the dump truck
So...please don't turn me into social services for the videos I've posted here. Well, the first one is fine, but the second is a little sketchy in regards to our parenting skills...
I don't know, after this night, it just seemed within days he was walking all by himself. So fun!
I know. Terrible. But I bet you watched it more than once :)
Wedding Pics
Brent and Desirae Wedding Sneak Peek
A pic from Brent and Desirae's wedding the other weekend. I have a few (okay, quite a few) that I want to post from the evening, and then lots and lots of Connor coming soon.
I will try and blog some pictures before I leave for state volleyball this morning, but not guaranteeing anything.
have a great weekend!
busy week
So that's about it. Connor is in bed, I should take this time to clean the kitchen floor and vacuum the living room...but...I'm liking the 'peace' right now.
Tomorrow is Friday. Gotta love that.
Wedding Weekend
Congrats to the lovely couple...they're on their way to Cancun right now. Dang them. At least it hit 50 today. SO awesome.