I have lots more pictures, but I was just playing around in Photoshop with these ones...

Here mom, here's a flower I picked just for you!
And I may have drooled on it too for EXTRA love!
What is that, you may ask? (I know some of you know!) It's a die-cutting machine for scrapbooking. So now, I have ENDLESS options for fonts, letters, titles. I realized shortly after we had Connor that I didn't have my future scrapbooking in mind when we named him. Two O's and two n's. That about finishes off any set of letters I can buy. Then the rest of the sheet is basically pointless. (so this is how I justify spending the money on this machine!)
My other justification was that it was SUCH a good deal. I mean really. The maching, 3 used mats, 2 new mats, a tool kit, the suitcase thing to put it all in...and the best part? NINE cartidges! Nine! I'm sure the value is FAR more than I paid ;) Right? Right. I thought so.