Pear Tree Greetings

is this called crawling?
Sorry for the lack of pj's...if you've ever witnessed diaper changing/dressing time with Connor...it's at the very bottom of his least favorite things to do list.
Girls weekend!!
Rach cutting the 'weiner' for breakfast.
Anne making the cookie dough. Which, we forgot flour at the store so had to make a second trip, and then after all that work forgot to cover it in the fridge and it got rock hard.
Ernie cutting the onion for the eggs.
Okay, so it started snowing. Our first snow of the season. And I'm not sure why, but the thing to do at the moment seemed to be to try and capture this on camera. Why? Not sure. It was windy and cold. Apparently we needed a reminder that we do still live in Minnesota.
A few more pictures to come. Connor is crawling (well, kind of) and have to go videotape it.
no more swing.
The mobile is supposed to be moving around and around...Connor 'caught' it.
outdoor decor
Experimenting with the options on my camera. Obviously none of them took a great picture, but it was worth the effort.
I wasn't lying.
"I am not a vegetarian"
Wedding Fun
Kidding :) It's just Cullen. With Grandpa Jeff peeking into the shot.

Us. We even got a slow dance in. However, it didn't take long for Bryan to ask 'how long is this song?'. So romantic. I know.

And the cutest pic I took all night. The Nessler Family :)
Emily's Box + Book
The interior pages are way more exciting when it's 'full' of the notes from guests. Not going to lie, makes me happy seeing the book fill up!
downward dog.
zwieback toast
i'm gonna get you!
a blocked tear duct...I hate it. Definitely will be checking in with his doctor on this. (his 'crap' is white to yellow and they say tear duct issues shouldn't have color)
church photo
fun with Madelyn
mom OR dad
So, what turned into a nice gesture by Bryan turned into a minor crisis. But...I still think it's cool that daycare is pretty strict with letting kids go...which makes total sense!! But they recommended from now on I just write 'Mom OR Dad' on the sheet...just in case :)
hat hair!
first bike ride!
"okay mom...am I really not supposed to be able to move my arms?"
regaining feeling in his fingers.
And after this first trip, we learned to stuff a bunch of sweatshirts to each side so that when he falls asleep his head can lean against something. Trial and error I guess :)