
Peas. All Clear. Left to Right.

So, I promised a post, but it's not as much fun as you were expecting, like adorable pictures of Connor on his 6 month birthday. Instead, you'll find this.
Connor hates peas. Or maybe I just assumed he would hate peas, so I just think he hates peas. But, the faces he makes pretty much make it clear to me that he most certainly does hate peas. HOWEVER. When trying to capture this terribly funny face on camera, he just kept smiling as soon as I pulled out the camera. So, from the outside looking in, it appears he likes peas. Don't let that little two tooth grin fool you.

Then, the other day when I was unloading groceries, I made a small observation.
Now, you might be wondering...what you're supposed to be looking at? Just notice that if I happened to get in my car, and back out of the garage...I'd make it. Like, the tailgate, open, would clear the top of the garage door. Very important. Not so much the case in our rental, hence, I have yet to own/drive a car that I haven't damaged in some way, shape or form. Some worse than others, some much more stupid than others, but, so be it. Don't worry, I still claim to be a pretty good driver. And, for the record, for those of you that have asked me why I didn't listen to the beeping as soon as I got in my car (like hello...the tailgate is open, please close before moving, those beeps), the car also beeps if you don't have your seatbelt on right away, which, I apparently never put on until I've nearly completed my reverse motion and am putting the vehicle into drive. So. It the beeping was just normal...until the crunch. Ok, that story got long.

Finally. I thought this was pretty cute. Connor gets the best parking spot apparently. (hard to see, but his stroller is in the first stall. Then Mom. Then Dad.

And, my friend Robin had her baby today! Welcome Maxwell James Hollerich!! Sounds like mom and baby (and dad and big sister Olivia) are doing well!!

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