
hard day's work

for Connor that is, when he has hour long photo shoots :) My aunt Mary came down this afternoon to take pictures of Connor, out of 300+ photos...I think we definitely has some good ones :) I have yet to really go thru them (seriously, 300) to find my favorites and edit them...but here a few for a quick look, then hopefully this week I'll post some more edited versions. My computer is really dogging it lately when I run photoshop...so it's kind of a pain, but maybe I'll have someone at work look at it.

Now for the pictures. There are so many more good ones, but I need to spend some time sorting and editing (as if I really know how to 'edit' photos, but I pretend!)

Should probably explain this one. My cousin Terry (that just visited from Japan) brought Connor this as a gift. It says 'Fighting Spirit' which is what he has showed from day one. Now, whether or not we have it right side up...who knows. Mom and Mary nick named him 'Fighting Spirit Wing-Nut'. Cute, huh.


Sarah said...

Very cute. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new banner too. Adorable.

Erin Wiegratz said...

cuter everyday!

Anonymous said...

I love all the photos. What a handsome little boy!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos- looks like he is winding up to throw a pitch on the last photo.
What a sweetie-who could not love these photos-keep them coming!

G &G Bode