

So, each day at work, I have to pump twice. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon. Each time, I attempt to be somewhat productive with work stuff, bring my laptop, etc. Yesterday afternoon, a few IT guys and I were emailing back and forth trying to troubleshoot a problem on one of our websites while I was pumping in the 'lactation room' (a conference room that no one can book anymore for a meeting) and ok, I was doing no troubleshooting...just doing the whining why stuff wasn't working. Now, just to get you on the same page, at one point in the conversation one of them asked if anyone had seen the new Star Wars exhibit. So, three IT guys and me.

Anyways, to the story. So, we had like 10 emails back and forth within a matter of minutes so one of them suggested that we just get on the phone. Okay, no worries, Angie told me that she can't hear the pump while on the phone with me, so I didn't think anything about it.

The first few minutes one of them kept asking what the 'static' was in the background and if anyone else could hear it. I didn't say anything of course. One of them (that knows what I do 2x a day) was like 'it's probably Christy' and laughed...so I was just like, haha.

Then maybe 10 minutes into the call, one of them asked me where I was (same one that knows what i do 2x a day), I replied '3b'. And he goes, "what, you think you can just go use that room whenever you want"...then a few jokes about how it's the 'maternity' room now..haha...then the final guy steps up and was like, "um, what did you guys think that noise was in the beginning" like duh, she was pumping, can't believe you guys didn't figure that out...etc.

Okay, and now that I type this story, it's not as funny, and I don't have the great talent of telling stories (seriously, that is a talent), but, it was mortifyingly (I know that's not a word) embarrassing, and I felt quite unprofessional...but at the same time it was pretty funny. All three guys are super cool so I'm not too worried about it...but guess I won't be multi-tasking that much anymore.

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