
Picasso II

I picked up Connor the other day at daycare and on his little daily slip it said 'Connor had fun painting today!'..so, having really no idea how they could paint with infants, I ask what that really means...and she tells me they take off their clothes and just put some paint in front of them. How fun! And then I asked if they took pictures, and they did! Seriously loving our daycare.

The final product is a little kite they cut out of the sheet of paper he painted on and attach a little streamer to make the string. Adorable! Hopefully they send it home with us someday instead of trashing it. It might have to be permanent decor in the new house ;) His first art project.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that is the cutest thing ever, a 3-month-old finger painting! He looks like he is really enjoying it too and concentrating so hard. What a neat thing to do with infants, if you don't mind a mess on the floor. Cute, cute!
Krista Kettner

Anonymous said...

He'll be ready to paint the lower half of your siding on the house in no time.