Anyways, here are some pictures of the house and then one of Connor on the way home, pondering which room he wants for his own...
which room...
Anyways, here are some pictures of the house and then one of Connor on the way home, pondering which room he wants for his own...
we are family

Rolling over?
Connor is also having his first babysitting experience tonight. Bryan and I and some friends are going out to eat in the cities, so Grandma and Grandpa Bode are coming in to watch him. Hopefully he's a good little boy! I'm kind of already having anxiety about leaving him, but he'll be just fine and probably not even notice that we're gone.
House Update
Two Weeks
Some firsts...
First day of work for dad since we've been home, this is how they spent most of the night.
First stroller ride to get the mail and back...we liked this!
Bath time...not so much. Good thing it was Grandma that gave him his first one, so he'll remember what she did to him ;) Hmm, or maybe it was the awful floor covering he was crying about. It makes me wince some days, too.
Connor learns to share!

Home SWEET Home!
We are SO thrilled to be home, and as many of you know I named our rental the 'ghetto', it's certainly 'perfect' right now!
I can't say thanks enough to everyone that was supporting us this past week and a half, it certainly was crazy, emotional, hard, but the joy of having him home is helping us to forget it all already :) (okay..maybe still not the labor part....)
Bryan, watch out for your finger in the camera...okay, so maybe the camera was poorly designed. Just hanging out waiting to be dishcharged this morning.
His studly duds from Grandma Loula for his homecoming.
Trying out his new toys
Mom and Connor taking a quick cat nap already...
One more night...
So, we're so close...yet so far it seems. One more night in our 8x8 box, we can do it!
House Update
We're crossing our fingers we still get to come home tonight...but, it wouldn't surprise me if they want him overnight without the IV and everything. So, we'll see. We should know more after his 5 oclock feeding.
Oh, and the doctor says basically no way does he 'need' his tongue clipped, kind of made it sound like a crazy little thing lactation people think helps...and I have heard stories of it really making a world of difference on some babies, but, we'll take him home first then if we feel he still needs it done, we'll do it then.
Thank you to everyone for your personal experiences, words of encouragement, and sharing your frustrations with mean lactation nurses! :) They are really helping me calm down about the whole situation, and like many of you have said, really, he's getting my milk, and that's the most important thing right now.
Let's hope the little guy is HUNGRY at 11 and gulps down his whole bottle :) Oh, and Shelly, the new nicer lactation nurse, is going to stop by sometime today to check his tongue. He might be a little tongue tied and unable to stick his tongue out far enough, and apparently it's a tiny little clip that might solve all sorts of problems. So, we'll see.
Thanks again for all the support! Let's hope we're on the road today!
Isn't he cute?
Nursing is not going well at all really. We've tried three different times, each time seems to get a little better, better in the sense that he's not screaming anymore, but still not really eating. So, we try nursing for about 10 minutes, then we bottle feed him. The lactaction nurse came around the second time we tried and seemed shocked and disappointed that I let them bottle feed him, which obviously made me feel terrible. The alternative is a feeding tube, and I am just so sick of tubes in him, plus, he can't come home with a feeding tube. So, one nurse said there's really no way he's going home tomorrow, but there seems to be some communication confusion we learned as Dr. Hoekstra had told us as long as he eats and poops like a good little boy for a 24 hour period, he can come home. So, our night nurse is at least prepping him for discharge tonight. We have lowered his bed to flat instead of elevated, put clothes on him and turned off his warming lights, just trying to simulate the environment he'll be in when we get him home, make sure he can regulate his body temp, etc. So this is all good. The plan for the rest of the night will be to head in there every 3 hours, try and nurse, and then if that still doesn't work each time, we'll bottle feed him. I know, I know, you're not supposed to bottle feed if you're planning on breast feeding, but at this moment in time, I want him home. Once we're home in a much more relaxed environment, we can really try hard at it. So, we'll see.
BIG Day!
After a fantastic pumping session (ha, please sense the sarcasm here), I went back in to see Connor and then Dr. Hoekstra came in and said we could start feeding him tonight! So, at 5 I got to feed Connor his very first taste of breastmilk, it was so exciting!! And, man, did he gulp it down like he hasn't eaten in a week! Wait...he hasn't :) They just started him on 10 ml of milk every 3 hours. Dr. Hoekstra checked on us a few minutes later and said that we'll do 10 ml at the 8 o'clock feeding and then up it to 15 ml throughout the night if everything went well with his first two feedings.
So, I made a quick stop at Target and came back to feed him at 8. (Oh, and if you were wondering, we're not nursing right now because the doctor doesn't want him to get that much milk right now, so we're breaking him in) The nurse said he had a BIG poop after the last feeding (that'a boy Connor) so that was GREAT news! His second feeding didn't go as fast, but I think he was a little tired. He did get all 10 ml down, but was in a deep sleep by the time we were done. It was so great to feed and hold him for so long!
The plan for tomorrow, I will get to the hospital in time for his 11 o'clock feeding, and this time we will try and nurse. Ang and Jay are coming up after work and will be bringing Bryan, and he and I will sleep in the wonderful little parent sleep room at the hospital so I can go feed Connor every 3 hours...and the BEST part of the day...providing everything goes well with his feedings tonight, he is coming home Friday morning!! Yeah!! Go Connor Go!
Thanks again for ALL of your thoughts and prayers!
One tube down!
Happy Wednesday
When Bryan and I were in there with him just now, he woke up when we started talking to him and was pretty alert while we were updating him on everything that was going on, so nice to see his eyes again, it had been awhile! We are itching to hold him SO bad, hopefully this afternoon once his catheter and epidural are gone we can.
We'll update again after the epidural and catheter are removed.
Report Out
Taking it Easy
Thanks, thanks, thanks to each and every one of you for praying and thinking about Connor! We still have to get him out of surgery and recover yet...but...we are BIG STEPS closer to getting him home!!
while we wait...
Surgery !
We'll know when the procedure starts, and when it ends and when they're wheeling him out. Nothing to do now but wait it out...and hope for the pull-through option to happen : ) Could be 3-4 hours if it's a pull-through. But we're supposed to hear something from the surgical nurse once/hour via phone in the waiting room.
We met the Surgeon
So, we are going to head out and get some lunch, then come back and wait for the call that he's going down to surgery. We'll go down with him and apparently there are some really great monitors that tell us exactly what is going on during surgery, when they intubate him, when they make the first incision, then probably the closing alerts. Sounds like...if we start seeing the closing alerts within an hour, hour and a half after the first incision, we're getting the colonostomy, if it's taking 2-3+ hours, that should tell us that we're getting the pull through, so, I'd never say I wanted his surgery to last LONGER than it has to...but I might be today :)
Will keep you all posted!!
Surgery is Scheduled
4 days
Here's a picture of what we come home to once we get to Mary's...amazing. And Alice and Bob, if you're reading this, thank you SO much for the gorgeous flowers!
We'll post as soon as we know what time the surgery is.
Good luck tomorrow Connor!
We also spoke with the anesthesiologist. She explained how they will put Connor to sleep, how they'll monitor him, etc. They all seem very confident that it's a pretty routine surgery, even our new night nurse that came on tonight said she has seen lots of babies with this syndrome, so they're used to seeing it here at Childrens.
Mom and Dad got to hold him tonight for about 20 minutes each. Connor woke up when daddy was holding him, lucky dad!
Praying for Connor to 'pull through' with the 'pull through' surgery. Ha, I'm so clever.
Mommy can't wait to take a family photo where we get to actually 'get ready' and attempt to make ourselves (k, just me, Bryan and Connor are cute) look decent :)
Recent Photos
The bobspy twins? They coordinated so well today :)
Mom trying to comfort him after he started to cry a little, we're hoping he learns how to be a good 'sucker' by the time he's out of here!