
Two Weeks

Today marks Connor's two week birthday, and looking back, it's been a pretty crazy 2 weeks, all the way through today... Today, poor Connor was circumsized. It was incredibly traumatic, not only for him...but for me, too. He did NOT like it, obviously. And then, his diaper rash is still awful, and the doctor basically attacked that today, which apparently we have been too 'careful' with it. AND we all thought his umbilical cord was getting better by the day, but apparently no. It was kind of shoved all the way into his belly button (the clamp came off at Childrens, not sure why), so now we have that to worry more about, too. Ugh. Poor guy. Makes me so sad, and he has been pretty irritable tonight too, which is even harder, but again, understandable. Sorry...no pictures from today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy (2 week) birthday Connor! You get cuter every time your mom posts a picture! Diaper rash is a bummer - I remember when your mom's cousin Matthew spent an entire summer running around naked trying to get rid of it! So just remember, summer is coming :-)

Love you all,
Great Auntie Rita