
Yellow: The new pinkish-white

I'd love to say 'what a great morning', but, it's so crappy outside. At least we didn't get the 5" of snow they forecasted (in my next life I fully intend on being a meteorologist...never have to be right...and no one really expects you to be right, either). Anyways, that was good news I guess for the morning.

Connor and I got some much needed bonding time throughout the night. Yesterday I never really got the opportunity to hold him for long or to just sit with him, so every few hours when they would bring him in to try and feed, we just hung out for a good hour each time. He's still latching pretty well, but he is just so sleepy. He has been spitting up some fluid throughout the night, too, so the nurses think that might be why he's not eating much, he's got a full stomach already (may have taken one last big gulp right before coming into this world). Plus, I don't think my milk has come in yet, so not like he'd be getting much from me anyways. But, overall the night went well. I got a good 1 1/2 to 2 hours sleep at a time, which was nice.

So, to clarify the title of this post, Connor is at a high risk for jaundice right now. We started noticing his color turning a bit yellow last night, and then they did a skin test, and based on the results of that combined with how many hours old he was, it put him at high risk. He had some lab work done an hour ago or so and we're just waiting to hear the results of that. Dad is on his way here right now and can't wait to see us (I'm sure more excited to see Connor at this point, but that's okay, not like I'm looking anything fantastic at this point :)).

I'll try and post some more pictures later, Grandma Loula has some outfits she wants to put on him already :)


Sarah said...

OOh...when I see pictures of babies with jaundice I always think they have a nice glow. Kind of like a suntan. I can't wait to see more pics!!!!!

Minnesota Girl said...

Awwww...you are settling into this mom thing like a pro! Congratulations again, he looks like such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome little man!! Congrats to you both...we look forward to meeting Connor and sharing our trucks and fruit snacks at the softball games...well.. maybe in a year or so :) Enjoy this exciting family time!!
The Magers'
Matt, Lora, Louis and Wilson