
unhealthy addiction?

We're getting pretty into this blogging, I must admit. Today, Ang IM's me and asks me what I'm doing for lunch, I reply that I was just going to head up to the lot, take a few pictures and grab something to eat. Her response, 'want to come to my house and blog'? What are our lives coming to!?!? Okay, so maybe you had to be there, but I think it was a monumental moment in realizing this new addiction.

Oh well, we're having fun with it.

Just an update on the baby...well, there isn't really one. This baby doesn't want to come out anytime soon and I just have a feeling that it will need some enticing...but, we'll find out eventually I suppose. We have a doctor appointment on Friday afternoon, maybe we'll come out of that knowing more...but we are SO ready.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You better blog daily until that baby comes out. If you don't, I'll assume you're in labor. Keep me posted!!! :)