Bryan is keeping busy watching the Twins try to win their ballgame (hmmmm, winning, what a concept). And I'm trying to remain the half full optimistic son of a gun that you all know I am : ) Doc is due back in here within an hour...we'll know more then! Grandpa Tim is sleeping now and says he'll check in every few hours...he's anxious to know his little girl and first grandbaby are OK and ready to see what he brought them from Brazil when he gets home on Saturday.
Keep the kind words and blog posts coming...they're helping Christy keep her sense of humor!
Grandma Ruth
PS - I couldn't figure out how to put the photo at the bottom of this blog - forgive me, I'm fricking new at this and Bryan is ready to fire me.
You can just drag the picture to the bottom. You're okay. :)
Thanks for the updates! I can practically hear you saying it all Ruth. You're hilarious!
PLEASE PLEASE text me when the baby comes! Cheers to Baby Bode 4732459!
Hi Christy...It's Jen..still stalking you :) and see that there is no baby yet..poor girl. Hang in there. I will be checking first thing in the morning to see if that baby is here. Good will all be over soon enough and you will holding that precious baby in your arms. Hang in there :) PS - Aren't epidurals the most wonderful invention ever?!
Grandma Ruth, you make me laugh. If I ever have babies, will you write about me too?
Glad to see she's resting! Hang in there. I like Bryan's leisurely stance in the last picture while Christy is working so hard.
Hey, I just happened upon your blog as I was passing through, good luck on the baby! I'm going to check back in later on your progress. I'm writing from Florida.
Ruth love you and your updates....i may not sleep tonight. And Christy, don't worry, you make that gown look good!
Keep us posted... we'll be heading to bed soon but want a phone call when BB finally arrives... no matter what time!! Good luck, "she" will be here before you know it! (I still think it's going to be a girl!)
Joe, Krystal & BL!
Love all the updates! I stumbled upon your blog on facebook. Keep hanging in there :) I have been checking in all day on the progress. Sweet dreams(gotta love the good drugs)!!
Best Wishes :)
Hey Bode family-
Been cheching in periodicaly today and love to read the updates. Congrats to all of you...Christy now you will have a little one to idolize you, I know I sure did with those amazing volleyball skills :) Best of luck!
Ashley "McKinley" Fischer
i wish my mom had blogged for me when i had my two, how awesome is this?!?!? and now you'll have some really fun documentation for baby bode. SUPER cool. you're in the home stretch now, so keep your lovely chin up.
p.s. since i'm a computer/blog/facebook addicted lady myself, i'll be checking back often.
good luck!!!
Holy crap you're popular! This is so exciting! 9 posts within like 20minutes. A bunch of Facebook statuses are talking about Baby Bode too!
You guys are awesome! Keep up the good work Christy (& Ruth!), you're practically celebrities.
I sure hope Christy doesn't sleep through the delivery! :-)
I'll be up til at least 11:00 checkin' in. Maybe Connor will be here by then?
Twins are winning 12-4, so that's a good sign, right Bryan?
Auntie Nancy
I am back from the bloodmobile now sooooo lets get a movin'
Grandpa Nate is checking in too. This is really getting nerv wrecking !
Thanks for all the up-dates and postings Grandma Ruth. Thanks for being the CHEERLEADER/COACH too.
Hey, I am ready for the next American Idol- Baby Bode!
I will be taking the phone to bed with me when I go.
Poor Christy- she must be exhausted! At least she is resting now.
Hey, Keep us all posted!Love from
Grandma Cheryl
O.K. I'm trying this again.....I don't think it showed up the first time. Anyway, this is the first "blog" I've ever been watching and I didn't know all day that I could comment back! Hang in there Christy! Like all the old ladies say, "You will forget all about that pain as soon as you hold your new little miracle!" It's really, really true! I also always tell people that I would go in to have their babies if I's that beautiful at the end! And my very last thing I always tell people is, "IT REALLY WILL COME OUT!" So, remembering that this all has a beautiful ending, keep working hard! You're doing great and IT WILL COME OUT! Love, Soon to be Great (yikes!) Aunt Annie
ok and the baby are on your own schedule and baby is not so much following the rules...oh well "good things come to those who wait"
Take care and thanks for the updates!
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