
1:30 AM

8 cm, head slid back up to the 0 position but that may be due to contractions at time of examination. Still 90% effaced. Christy is in pain again - could be nearing time to PUSH. I've never felt so helpless in all my life. Next exam due in 15 minutes.
Grandma Ruth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel for you... I hope everything is going ok. I am working downstairs aiding on second floor. I hope I can come see the baby in the morning. I'm sure there are plenty of people up there but if I don't get to see you in the hospital I will for sure come and see you at home :-) Good luck lady!!! I'm rooting for you. This is the worst part... It only get better from here on out. After this you will never regret it :-) Good luck and I'm praying for it to be easy for ya. You don't want to hear my birthing story but I hope it happens soon for you. Good luck Bryan!!!!!!! Cater to her every need and be strong for her :-) She needs ya... Good luck. Keep me updated how everything is going!
